
Showing posts from June, 2008

Mouse pad for Otaku!!

Just come across with this interesting topic... so what is Otaku ( おたく / オタク)??  " Otaku ( おたく or オタク , Otaku ) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly Anime and Manga ." quote from wikipedia Judging from this definition, I was almost an otaku... back into the uni lifestyle... i had this great interest in reading manga and watching anime...but not obsessive of course =p . The term otaku gets more familiar when one of the Japanese novel Densha Otoko (电车男) got a big hit around the world. The novel describe how an otaku manage to seek help over the internet to get his dream girl. The novel had a great respond worldwide which lead to the production of drama, movie and manga versions. I'll recommend for the drama... its just so funny ... (^_^) So back to the topic... this is what i found out over 1 of my favorite forum - mouse pads for the otaku... guess how are they looked like (O_o) ~~pay attention to the wrist rest ..... ...

Adware - Trojan - Fake Alert - etc

It was just last week when i was trying to install a psp video converter to my pc. I forgot what is the name of the converter, but it really gave me a hard time getting over with the adware that comes together with the installer. This is how the trojan or adware works. Whenever I run the IE explorer there will b a pop up showing a fake error message. It says that my pc is infected by a deadly trojan horse, and it recommend me to download an antispyware program over the internet. Well I'm not stupid enough to click the yes button on the pop up. But this pop up is getting more and more frequent. It popped up even when i was just trying to open folder. It was so annoying. I tooks me a week to search over various forums and websites for a proper solution. The most common solution i found out is using anti spywares such as SpyHunter, SpyBot, SpyDoctor for cleaning up the PC. Things remain the same after I tried all the mentioned software. Another common solution is use a software called...

倒數 / 一個很有意思的故事

It's been 3 months since my last post.... over these days... there are too many things to be done.... assignments, meetings, reports~ etc... finally i had a chance to write again... juz come across with this story from an email.... I'm not gonna to translate it (my english is not really good anyway... =P ).. it is a story telling us that never take things for granted , we need to learn to appreciate what we are having now. U never know when they will all perish in ur life. Here is the story : 從事投資顧問的我,從來都很愛自己的家人,愛自己的伴侶。至少 ,我以為是這樣。 我每天的主要工作是緊貼著香港及美國股市,就是這樣,已經花掉大半生時間。餘下的時間就安置在情人、朋友、及家人身上。為了«愛得太遲»的內容,為了對家人、情人的內疚感而流過眼淚,但淚痕風化後,仍雖繼續為「將來 」而賣命。為了«無事常相見»的歌詞,為了曾被冷落的好友而眼淺過,但深呼吸一口氣,還是要營役餘生。 為了未能抽空回家團年,為了未能抽空陪女朋友驗身 ,我們竟花得起寶貴的時間來冷戰。但我想,父母、伴侶,都是最親的人,應該會明白的。 我的生日快要來臨,但沒有期待過,因為,根本沒甚麼值得慶祝。反而,想一個人靜下來,享受一刻的寧靜。在南丫島的度假屋內,我準備感受一個較孤單的生日。 在晚上,靜坐在度假屋的露台,沐浴在帶有點點鹽份的微風中,整個世界都變得很寧靜。突然,我迷迷糊糊的聽見頗陌生的聲音,我再細心一點聽…… 原來,他在跟我說話:「……年青人,我希望今年送您一份很特別的生日禮物,甚麼也可以。」 我想,我大概已經進入了夢境,跟神仙對話。我微笑回應道: 「是神仙嗎?那…… 我真的甚麼願望也可以提出?...