
Showing posts from August, 2011

Pulau Aman 2011

最近都很懒的更新部落格,趁着深夜睡不着来分享一下上个周末到Pulau Aman 时拍的照片。 既然是渔村当然少不了渔船, errr ... 着几艘都应该不是吧。(感觉上渔船应该会比较大艘) 刚踏入渡头就看见了“揾食咖撑” - 渔网。 到达Pulau Aman 的首要任务 :吃当地出名的 Mi Udang。Restoran Terapung 也是其特色之一。 由于太饿了,所以只记得吃而忘了数到底有多少只虾。 价钱方面可是蛮贵的哦,没记错的话,一盘biasa 的mi udang 大概是RM5.00。而Special的大概是RM10。两者之间其实并没有任何明显的差别,只不过是Special的看起来分量比较大而以。 (建议叫两盘比较划算) 至于味道如何呢? 我永远都相信“只要饿了,不管什么食物都可以是美食”。  :p 在岛上到处可见的贝壳。 友族传统的建筑物,忘了叫什么名字 paiseh .... 在马来甘榜都很普遍。 岛上其中一户人家养的鹦鹉。 在贝壳堆中寻找食物的小猫。 最后来个人物篇。 Kelvin BK Kah Yen -应该没拼错吧... 最兴奋的Chee Ang ... 最后来个有型的!希望不要被揍.... MR JF 有点遗憾的是我的相机里并没有全体照,下次一定要带三脚架。 - The End -

Mengkuang Dam - 最後の夕阳

As reported in the press, Mengkuang Dam will be closed from 1st Aug 2011 for 5 years for construction. One of my friend was asking if I wanted to take some snapshots over there before the dam is closed. The answer is definitely yes since I've never been there before and would like to learn some landscape shooting from this sifu. Here is my 1st sunset shooting at Mengkuang Dam. Basically it could be the last 1 as well since I couldn't tell for sure if I'm still in Penang 5 years later :p. Therefore, I name it "最後の夕阳" meaning the last sunset ^.^ . (Hope it is not too fake after the tuning)