
Showing posts from April, 2011

Monkey Beach 2011

Finally decided to upload some photos taken during the last visit to Monkey Beach over the weekend. My first time visit to Monkey Beach was last year before CNY. I had some really bad experience over there such as being ambushed by monkeys and assaulted by jelly fish (>.<). The 2nd time visit, which took place last week was much better. No monkeys (^.^), our Gardenia breads were secured all the way. Thanks KC for guarding it all the way. No jelly fish (Of course, no more swimming this time :p) However, it started to rain right after we reached the seaside o.O.

Potluck 2011

周末前的聚餐 (^.^) 朋友们突然想在放工后聚餐,平时放工后都没什么节目的我当不会错过,乘机也想参观下旧同事的新房子。 下午购买材料时,同事就嘀咕着必须早点出发因为要帮忙准备食物。结果我竟然创下2011唯一一次早到的记录 --- 而且还是最早到。不擅长烹饪的我只好充当菜鸟摄影师,拍摄当晚的点点滴滴  (^.^)v. 策划人之一,skyip ---- 迟到!! :p (比我迟 = 迟到) 女主人,泡茶ing .... 瑜伽+烹饪??佩服,佩服 .... Omega 鸡蛋 ....  品质保证,绝对不是假蛋!! 鸡蛋+美乃滋+crab stick = 三文治 from hc + sk   主菜 :意大利面 Deep fried sausage .. Nugget ..... 谢谢Siew Hong 精心烹煮的莲子羹 开饭咯!! 美食当前果然是件快乐的事,+10灿烂の笑容 (终于开饭啦~~~) 饭后甜品 - 椰子菜糕 吃饱后当然要消遣消遣(^.^) ... iPhone 党 .... 男主人登场 The End ...

忙碌中发呆 ing

忙碌中突然发呆, 想着自己到底在拼什么? 为了生活? 为了将来? 真希望自己可以像MV中的人物一样,有着坚定的目标拼下去; 但是在这个地方,这种环境,要拼到什么时候? 值得吗?

Think outside the box

"Think outside the box" I was told that this is one of the main criteria for creativity and innovation.  I always believe that this is also one of the most critical criteria for an engineer. After 9 months blending in the new environment, everything seems to be so bored. Everything is well constraint within "boxes" ie. procedures, schedule, documentation, bla bla bla.... Life is so boring and mess up with all these stuffs. I still couldn't figure how an engineer can actually bring himself/herself to the next level in this type environment. Please do not expect your employee to think outside the box when you don't even allow a single idea against the normal practice to flow through. I'm so sick of this !!!!!!!


累了 工作开始变得乏味 很想完全放下手头上的工作 好好地休息