Kiss - Because I'm A Girl

Anyone remember this MV? I came across with this link again while checking my email this morning. One of my friend forwarded this link to me. A pretty old song and yet touching...


pinkylicious said…
Yup yup. I remember the whole story some more. Watched it almost 100 times in a row. Love this song and video clip very much :D.
Yian Jiun said…
Ya, me remember this MV!!!!
I still remember when i watch this MV for the first time, i was crying.................
Wilson said…
[emotionalistic] walao ... 100 times = 100 x 8 mins = 800 mins = 13.33333 hours (o_O) .. anw even more crazy stuff for me.. I downloaded the clip and replayed it for a week ...

[Yian Jiun] Thx for the comment (^_^). I almost cried when watching it for the first time ...but i managed to hold it (cannot cry in front of girls ma .. :p)
junfei said…
oh then u gd lo.. u almost cry onli... i cannot hold lo.. my tears drop like waterfall... hugging my pillows crying like kids lo.. im so sentimental lo..
Wilson said…
[junfei] sai ngmm sai ar ???
Valerie said…
Jun Fei, I didn't know you so emotional one wor...
JacQueLine said…
Don't know whether you aware that this song having a chinese version..
Wilson said…
i never know that ... i only know this and the cantonese version by bobo chan ..

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