
Showing posts from November, 2009


Sorry for being too emotional today, I lost control of myself .... 反省中........

All the best

This does not really seems like the ordinary me, but seriously I do feel sad for her leaving. "Take care my friend, all the best in your new life and career."


Here are some random pics I took in Penang recently ... 1) Penang parking style ... I can tell you that most of the parking lot were occupied at that time and cars were actually queuing up starting from the entrance of the car park. 2) Not sure if you guys try this before, engrave the name of yours and your love one on a tree or mayb cactus? As I can remember, I did it once back in secondary school, may be primary school (dun actually remember when was it). Surprisingly I still can find something similar nowadays. 3) Thanks to this, I've parked my car starting from 8am to 1.30pm without paying a single cent... (^_^)


Thank you for accompanying me for dinner. I had a great time. Thanks.


看来被 skyip 说中了,看多偶像剧会中毒哦 (:p)。最近一连看了几部偶像剧,从《痞子英雄》到《命中注定我爱你》,现在我连《败犬女王》都看了。 偶尔看下偶像剧也蛮不错哦,至少心情也会愉快些。记得在看第一集的《败犬女王》就觉得这套剧应该是超级耍白痴的吧!想不到看着看着也蛮有不错,今天刚看了第八集。内容提到了让风信子第二次开花的答案。 "Be dead and rise from the dead" 必须将已枯萎的花枝剪去,风信子才获得第二次开花的机会,也比喻着做人必须学会放下过去的遗憾与执著才可以迈向未来。 “为何总是对过去念念不忘 把已死的花朵留在身边 即对过去无法割舍 又没有办法迈向未来” ------------------------------《败犬女王》台词

Stay Tough

Life is always full of challenges, if you are lucky enough you might have comrades fighting side by side with you through the toughest time. For the next coming challenge, I know it is not gonna be easy and I definitely have to face it alone. I need to stay tough and calm. Hopefully I have what it takes to overcome it.

Thank You

After all the hard works, finally we won the best film award in the quarterly event (^_^). Thanks to all the crew members for all the efforts and spending the weekend with me for the shooting . I wanted to upload the clip here, but I'm not really sure if it is against the company policy (>_


觉得自己最近非常的不对劲,无论是性格上或是生活上都有少许的改变。 平时爱玩电脑游戏的我,在最后一次format电脑后就再也没有安装任何游戏了。 平时会在公司加班到深夜的我,现在只要想到加班就会头痛,甚至可以说是讨厌加班。 每当新的漫画出版时,我总会买上一两本,现在的我反而觉得在网上看漫画已经足够了。 之前为了剪接参加quarterly event的短片还不以为然,每天放工后仍然觉得过得很充实。 Event已经结束了,奖金也拿到了,然而却有种空虚的感觉。 看着书架上未看完的小说,却完全提不起劲的要把它看完。 生活上好像少了些东西,放工后,除了上网、看报纸、看连续剧、听歌之外我到底还可以做些什么呢?

Too Late Windows 7

Everyone has been talking about Windows 7 lately, and this is what I found on youtube .. funny clip ... (^_^) .. it is not too late for me yet ... :p