Intel vs AMd - SPY !!??

A good spy never gives up his mission even when he's caught by the enemy. Remember how Double-oh-Seven bravely endured the endless clobbering barrage to his nether regions in Casino Royale? Well, he didn't give up his mission, and neither will 33-year-old Ex-Intel employee Biswamohan Pani, who's currently being charged by Federal prosecutors for stealing US$1 billion worth of trade secrets.

Maintaining that he was merely copying the data for his wife, who is also an Intel employee, the fact that Pani's current employers are rival chipmakers AMD has everyone crying espionage. AMD are denying any knowledge of Pani's actions, and even go on to say that "they did not benefit from Pani's actions".

Quoted from ""

It seems like not really a good idea doing ur office work at home .. hehehee .. never copy work related data to ur own PC ... =P


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