W810i Memories

Just did some housekeeping on my portable HDD. Surprisingly I still keep the pictures taken with my W810i. I thought all of them were gone after I lost my phone[>_<]. Here are some of those pics (^_^).

Some "lan yao yeng" pose from me and my friends in Langkawi 2 years ago.

My "Jack Skelington" on Ferrari at my cubical.


JacQueLine said…
You really "LOVE" your "Jack Skelington" ..
He always appear in your blog leh..
Wilson said…
hahaha ... he is still sitting in my cubical right now .. i wonder should i put it on the blog banner :p
JacQueLine said…
If you're asking me..
I will say YES..
Seem he(or she??)is so "important" to u..hehe

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