
Showing posts from December, 2009


“人最大的缺点就是会犯错,然而人最大的优点就是可以从错误中学习” 这句话到底有多真实呢? 我们从历史上,就看到了人类都在犯着同样的错误。战争,贪污,等等到今时今日依然存在。不但没有好转,甚至变本加厉。 两年前的我做了一个决定,到如今依然不知是否做对了选择。 只是觉得既然已经决定了就不要再后悔。 两年后我面对着类似的决定,竟然有举棋不定的感觉。 是衡量的东西多了吗?到最终,这一次和两年前的做法并没什么不同。 是因为我畏惧改变吗? 看来一次的经验并不能令人变得聪明,或许我资质有限,不能从中学习。 既然两年前的我可以承受得起这个决定所带来的一切利与弊,现在的我应该也担当得起。 只是觉得,是否要与之前有所不同才可以称为成长呢?

The Christmas Shoes

I've been searching for Christmas songs lately, thanks to David, I came across with this song. "The Christmas Shoes" "The Christmas Shoes" is a Christmas-themed song based on an Internet story. Originally an Internet-forwarded shoe manufacturer marketing ploy, it was forwarded to a member of the Christian vocal group NewSong in 1996. They worked on the song for four months and eventually released it as a "bonus" track in 2000. It reached #131 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart that year, and #42 on the Hot 100 chart. A year later, country music group, 3 of Heart, released their own version, which peaked at #37. In 2002 Donna VanLiere took the story and the theme of the song and produced a novelization which was published in 2002 by St. Martin's Press. The book became a made-for-TV movie released in December 2002. source : wikipedia I like the lyrics a lot, the plot was very touching. Lyrics: It was almost Christmas time, there I sto...

Merry Christmas

The 1st Christmas present that I received this year (most likely the one and only Christmas present :p coz i dun celebrate Christmas). Thanks for the present :)


如果时间可以倒流 如果可以再次回顾无忧无虑的童年 如果可以挽回你一生中所犯过的错误 如果可以挽留生命中最重要的他/她 如果可以从新选择,选择不一样的生活 如果真的有这个机会,你会选择珍惜目前所拥有的一切,还是义无反顾的回到过去? 人生中的每一个转站,每一个决定,都是塑造今日的我们的重要元素 改变一个决定,可能你的人生将从此改变,是福是祸仍是未知之数 既然有勇气改变以往的人生,何不把握自己的将来 过了二十七个年头,人生中充满了得与失,有着遗憾的事,当然也少不了幸福的点滴。 做好了决定,就不要给自己有后悔的理由,路再难走也要走下去。 每一段路都是成长的里程碑。

半情歌 - 元若蓝

This song was played in the drama "命中注定我爱你". Pretty nice song (^_^). 花 接受凋零 风 接受追寻 心的伤还有一些 不要紧 我接受你的决定 你将会被谁抱紧 唱什麼歌哄他开心 我想著天空什麼时候会放晴 地球不曾为谁停一停 你的明天 有多快乐 不是我的 (我的明天 快不快乐 都是我的) 我们的爱是唱一半的歌 时间把习惯换了 伤口愈合 也撤销我再想你的资格 你的祝福 一半甜的 一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可 最最教人残念的总是未完成的 我只能唱著 一半的歌 (另一半的歌)

Spare Change Changes Lives

Normally we can find donation boxes located near cashier counters in supermarket or fast food restaurant. Have you ever notice what is written on the box? Any idea if there is any sticker or slogan labeled on the box? I noticed this slogan and a picture of a children on the donation box in McD this afternoon. "Spare Change Changes Lives" Not sure why, but I like it a lot. Too bad I forgot to take the photo of donation box. Anyway, I made one which looks similar (^_^).

JIN - 仁

Thanks to skyip , I've been watching quite a numbers of Taiwanese drama lately.It is kind of fun to watch the Taiwanese drama, the storyline are quite funny and touching. You will be laughing most of the time. I'm not sure why I don't feel like watching the TVB drama "Beyond The Realm Of Conscience (宮心計)" and "Born Rich (富贵门)". A lot of my friends highly recommended these two. Somehow I think the storyline should be similar to "金枝玉孽". People are just concern about themselves in order to survive, to obtain power, wealth, etc. And then it follows by a series of conspiracy, revenge, bla bla bla ... I'm thinking of watching this Jdrama instead. The name is "Jin - 仁". Synopsis : The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he faints at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back ...

I'm Back !!!!

I have been busy with the new layout of demonsbane lately ... Finally it is ready now. It took me quite some time to edit the html codes (I'm NOT com-science student!!!!). Please comment (^_^) Anyway back to business, a lot of things happen lately and seriously I was at my worst condition ever. For the first time, I let my emotion take over myself in the office. It never happen ever since I start working. Thanks for the 3 days long weekend , I've got myself to calm down and reconsider my direction in the future. Life goes on no matter what happens, after the long break, it is time to get back on track.