I'm Back !!!!

I have been busy with the new layout of demonsbane lately ... Finally it is ready now. It took me quite some time to edit the html codes (I'm NOT com-science student!!!!). Please comment (^_^)

Anyway back to business, a lot of things happen lately and seriously I was at my worst condition ever. For the first time, I let my emotion take over myself in the office. It never happen ever since I start working. Thanks for the 3 days long weekend , I've got myself to calm down and reconsider my direction in the future.

Life goes on no matter what happens, after the long break, it is time to get back on track.


pinkylicious said…
Glad to hear from you again. Cheer up man! Call me out for a drink if you need a company =). Btw, good job here...for the new layout ;).
skyip84 said…
doesn't look like on track :-p

btw, nice bookmark
Wilson said…
[emotionalistic] thx ... (^_^)..btw, i dun hav ur contact ler .. remember the bad incident i got for my handset (>_<) ..

[skyip] it takes time lor... :p
pinkylicious said…
wilson: Will give you the next time we meet then :). Or you can get from others....hehe.
Gnu said…
Nice presentation, dude. Before this I could access your page and I thought you ban me...boohoohoo!

Glad everything is fine for you now. Do remember you have a bunch of friends around you and one far down south waiting to cheer you up!
Wilson said…
[emotionalistic] text me lar (^_^)

[Gnu]thx you :) hehehe... you so far far away lar ... when wanna meet up again?

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