
Showing posts from February, 2009

When Cari Forum is down

When I tried to access the Cari Forum , I found out that the server is having some problem. You cannot open any of the threads. And this is what I got from a bunch of famous spammers in Cari Forum : lol ... speechless

Verification Code

In some of the webpage, you might be required to enter the verification code for security purpose .. sometimes the code / word are just too hard to interpret .. I don't see if there is any benefits by having it .... Anyway here comes the best of the best : I think it was PS edited, who will actually use this as a verification code ? Frankly speaking, I don't really think I still remember how to solve it

Altera Penang Building 3

Thanks Jeremy for uploading the video ..


How often do you go for a haircut ?? The last time I went to salon ... hmm ... I think it should be Nov 2008 .. 4 months ago .. :p Is it a long time ?? I do not like to keep long hair because it is so messy ... so what is the reason that is holding me for so long to get a haircut?? simple answer ... "LAZY" :p Today, I finally got it done .. (^_^) , I'm wondering when will I pay my next trip to the salon ?? Most probably another 4 months .. hehehe..



日剧 :Voice 亡者之声

STAFF 編 劇:金子茂樹 配 樂:吉川慶 Audio Hights 製作人:瀧山麻土香 東康之 導 演:成田岳 松山博昭 石井祐 演 員 瑛 太(加地大己・23) 生田斗真(石末亮介・23) 石原さとみ(久保田佳奈子・22) 主题是被称为“挽救亡魂的医学”,通过司法解剖等方法鉴定死因的法医学。描写了医大的法医研究小组5人面对人命纠葛万千的原创青春故事。瑛太所扮演的加地大已,是一个看似冷淡,但有着罕见洞察力和直觉的学生。他从独到的观点出发,将尸体留下的谜团一一解开。 EP03 挤压综合症,终于出现一些我从么听过的的症状了。由于死者的症状与佳奈子的母亲相似,这次时光倒流到15年前,佳奈子的母亲发生意外之前。一如往常,都是搜证,翻查回15年前的资料。大己为了帮佳奈子搜查15年前所留下的蛛丝马迹而误了最后的公车被迫露宿街头。最佩服的是,15年前的事迹竟然还可以留下证据。大己侦探再次运用无限的想象与推理空间,把15年前的疑问一一解开。凭着15年前手套上所化验出的物质就可以联想到当时情况,大己应该去当侦探或者警察比较适合吧。 和前两集差不多,死者所传达的最后心声都背着一段感人的故事。难道世界上的每一个死亡除了伤感之外,背后都有着感人的一面吗?法医的工作,解剖以及采证都一一略过,对与这一点再没有感到惊奇或失望。毕竟从一开始就是以《亡者之声》而出发的故事。 EP02 简介: 死者的死因是触电而导致死亡。 死者的妻子在家里发现到丈夫留下来的结婚戒指。 因为出事前吵了一架,所以认为丈夫是离家出走但是却离奇触电而死。 觉得丈夫生前一定是带着恨意而离去而感到非常的遗憾。 靠着一些零碎的线索以及法医的数据,大己成功的解开谜底。 (比较像是推理剧....汗) 原来,死者是被录影机的插头触电。会开启录影机也是为了要重温曾经与妻子一起观赏的旧电影。 脱下的结婚戒指是为了要为心爱的人做饭。 最后怀着要为心爱的人做饭的心情而离开。 (好厉害的推理,连死者当时的心情都猜测得到..|||) 一份详细的报告只不过是记录着死者的死因,然而有许多的疑问并不可以在报告中解答。死者的家属的心中有着许多的问号?这一切并不是仅仅的一份报告可以满足的 - 这应该是这一集的总结吧。 看了第二集后更进一步了解了《Voice》想带出的信息。这并不是一套叙述法医这个职业的电视剧,而是注重于传达死者最后的心声。主角大己在有着一...


On 24th January 2009 , I went back to Subang for the CNY. Surprisingly, I found this invitation card. A Malay friend of mine during university was inviting me to his wedding ceremony. We were course mate since Diploma. He was Chinese educated during primary school , therefore sometimes we spoke in Mandarin instead of Malay. However, we hardly contacted each other after entering UTM Skudai. It was really a surprise that he remembered and invited me for his wedding ... Notice the date on the invitation card .. 24th January 2009 .. arrr... what a coincidence .. the same day that I reached home ... and the venue is in Kuantan [>_

New Display Picture

Yeah ~~ finally got my new blog display picture up. I don't really like the previous pic because it was actually cropped from a wallpaper which I found over the internet .... Just 2 hours ago, I still don't have any idea of the putting up a new display pic .. then I came across with this photo taken at my colleague's cubical .. The devil is so cute (^_^) .. and I have decided to create the new blog display picture based on the devil photo frame ... since I'm still in the office and do have have the photoshop in my office pc [>_ I know it does not really looks alike ... anyway I do like it very much .. (^_^)

Stupid stuff

Normally what do you do when you are boring during office hour?? I found this when I was cleaning up my desktop. These pictures are taken in 2007, the time when I was still fresh and basically got nothing much to do during office hour. Errr ... kind of stupid ... :p

Uploading Photo

I always find it is convenient to upload the photo through blogspot. You need not to worried about the tedious html code. When I slowly catch up with some coding knowledge in html .. I started to feel that uploading photo through Flickr or others image hosting website is much better. The blogspot server will resize your picture . You may end up clicking the picture in order to have a better view (better resolution). When you resize the picture (drag it or modify the code) , the picture will eventually become blur. I was still using the blogspot uploader, until the time when I was compiling the Doraemon post . I was trying to upload 16 pages of manga. The blogspot retricted the numbers of upload to 5 each time. So I went through the process 4 times for the 16 pages. The next thing that I noticed was the picture are all resized and it was impossible to read the text. I tried to resize the picture (both dragging and coding) .. the result was just a larger but blur picture. It was kind...


世界上没有一种事物是完美的 人要懂得知足 珍惜目前所拥有 不祈求着不可能 只有这样人才会幸福 今天偶尔在杂志上看到了这一段关于知足的文章。心里面却有了另一种想法。人如果只是满足于目前的状况而忽视了更好的未来,到头来只是原地踏步。其实并不是完全的否定人要知足的想法,只是知足这个词在不同的场合有着不同的定义。在婚姻上,既然已选择了他/她就必须学会接受关于他/她的一切优点与缺点。懂得珍惜伴侣,不祈求着不可能的改变,这是知足。如果一天到晚只会吵吵闹闹的,拿伴侣来比较,要求伴侣为了自己而改变。往好的方面想的话,可能他/她为了你而改变,改变后的两个人依然可以幸福的生活。坏的方面,可能改变后只有单方觉得快乐,而另一方却只能忍受着委屈。长久下去,幸福又谈何容易呢? 在职场上知足可能是一个致命的弱点,认为公司已经对你不错了,目前所拥有的足够让你活得幸福自在。这种想法可能就会让你失去了争取更好的事业的机会。想象着不祈求着往高处爬,安于目前的位置,在事业上永远都没有出头天。有时候可能就是需要一些野心,人才会有原动力往更高的目标前进。祈求着不可能不是一件坏事,至少你会努力的向前。到后来可能没有实现到梦想,但至少你有所改变以及成长。

Disney Dream Pop Tribute to Tokyo Disney Resort 25th Anniversary

An album tribute to the 25 Anniversary of Tokyo Disney Resort, featuring the Jpop artist from Avex. The tracks are Japanese versions of some of the Disney famous theme song. Not a bad choice if you are looking for something different instead of the original sound track .. anyway I prefer the original sound track ...(^_^) Release Date : 28 Jan 2009 1. リトル・マーメイド::アンダー・ザ・シー 2. メリー・ポピンズ::スーパーカリフラジリスティックエクスピアリドーシャス 3. リロ&スティッチ::ハワイアン・ローラーコースター・ライド 4. 美女と野獣::美女と野獣 5. シンデレラ::梦はひそかに 6. ピノキオ::星に愿いを 7. アラジン::ホール・ニュー・ワールド(新しい世界) 8. トイ・ストーリー 2::ホエン・シー・ラヴド・ミー 9. 魔法の键 ~The Dream Goes On -ウィンター・ミックス- (Special Tracks) 10. リロ&スティッチ::ハワイアン・ローラーコースター・ライド -ユーロビート・リミックス- (Special Tracks) 11. ニューヨーク・ワールドフェア::小さな世界 -ハウス・リミックス- (Special Tracks) 12. Tokyo Disney Resort 25th Anniversary Theme Song::魔法の键 ~The Dream Goes On Please purchase the original copy if you like this album. English Translation: 01. Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid) - mihimaru GT 02. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Mary Pop...

Utada Hikaru - Come Back to Me

A new song from Utada Hikaru Source: Island Records - Utada The rain falls on my windows And the coldness runs through my soul And the rain falls, oh the rain falls I don't want to be alone I wish that I could Photoshop all Our bad memories Because the flashbacks, oh the flashbacks Won't leave me alone If you come back to me I'll be all that you need Baby, come back to me Let me make up for what happened in the past Baby come back to me (Come back) I'll be everything you need (Come back) Baby, come back to me (Come back) Boy, you're (one in a million) (Come back) Baby, come back to me (Come back) I'll be everything you need (Come back) Baby, come back to me (Come back) You're one in a million (one in a million) Lower east-side of Manhattan She goes shopping for new clothes And she buys this And she buys that Just leave her alone I wish that he would listen to her Side of the story It isn't that bad It isn't that bad And she's wiser for it now I a...