A lot of things happen today. Most of them not really good. I was planning to go for a blood donation at Cathedral of Holy Spirit this morning. The funny thing is I have no idea where is it. By just looking at the directions printed by David, I began my journey. May be I really do not have any directional sense.. it ended up that I spent more than 2 hours to get to my destination. The second bad thing, as I was walking into then church, there was this Indian fella approached me on a motorcycle. He said that his father's car was broke down and he is looking for foreman. He also mentioned that his h/p was out of battery and hope that I could give him a hand. Being too kind or you may say too dumb ass, I lent him mine. And the next thing you may guess it , he drove away with my h/p. I was a bit shocked and at the same time blaming myself for being too stupid. I should have seen it coming. I could have just walk away w/o even looking at him. Why am I so stupid? Anyway .. there is no
which is full of "Christmas feel"...
Actually can i ask what is DemonsBane 00?
couldn't think of a nice name when starting this blog .. so ma simply choose a name from game lo..
Maybe I not really read comics or games..
Now I know what is it..
Thanks for ur explanation..