
Showing posts from 2009


“人最大的缺点就是会犯错,然而人最大的优点就是可以从错误中学习” 这句话到底有多真实呢? 我们从历史上,就看到了人类都在犯着同样的错误。战争,贪污,等等到今时今日依然存在。不但没有好转,甚至变本加厉。 两年前的我做了一个决定,到如今依然不知是否做对了选择。 只是觉得既然已经决定了就不要再后悔。 两年后我面对着类似的决定,竟然有举棋不定的感觉。 是衡量的东西多了吗?到最终,这一次和两年前的做法并没什么不同。 是因为我畏惧改变吗? 看来一次的经验并不能令人变得聪明,或许我资质有限,不能从中学习。 既然两年前的我可以承受得起这个决定所带来的一切利与弊,现在的我应该也担当得起。 只是觉得,是否要与之前有所不同才可以称为成长呢?

The Christmas Shoes

I've been searching for Christmas songs lately, thanks to David, I came across with this song. "The Christmas Shoes" "The Christmas Shoes" is a Christmas-themed song based on an Internet story. Originally an Internet-forwarded shoe manufacturer marketing ploy, it was forwarded to a member of the Christian vocal group NewSong in 1996. They worked on the song for four months and eventually released it as a "bonus" track in 2000. It reached #131 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart that year, and #42 on the Hot 100 chart. A year later, country music group, 3 of Heart, released their own version, which peaked at #37. In 2002 Donna VanLiere took the story and the theme of the song and produced a novelization which was published in 2002 by St. Martin's Press. The book became a made-for-TV movie released in December 2002. source : wikipedia I like the lyrics a lot, the plot was very touching. Lyrics: It was almost Christmas time, there I sto...

Merry Christmas

The 1st Christmas present that I received this year (most likely the one and only Christmas present :p coz i dun celebrate Christmas). Thanks for the present :)


如果时间可以倒流 如果可以再次回顾无忧无虑的童年 如果可以挽回你一生中所犯过的错误 如果可以挽留生命中最重要的他/她 如果可以从新选择,选择不一样的生活 如果真的有这个机会,你会选择珍惜目前所拥有的一切,还是义无反顾的回到过去? 人生中的每一个转站,每一个决定,都是塑造今日的我们的重要元素 改变一个决定,可能你的人生将从此改变,是福是祸仍是未知之数 既然有勇气改变以往的人生,何不把握自己的将来 过了二十七个年头,人生中充满了得与失,有着遗憾的事,当然也少不了幸福的点滴。 做好了决定,就不要给自己有后悔的理由,路再难走也要走下去。 每一段路都是成长的里程碑。

半情歌 - 元若蓝

This song was played in the drama "命中注定我爱你". Pretty nice song (^_^). 花 接受凋零 风 接受追寻 心的伤还有一些 不要紧 我接受你的决定 你将会被谁抱紧 唱什麼歌哄他开心 我想著天空什麼时候会放晴 地球不曾为谁停一停 你的明天 有多快乐 不是我的 (我的明天 快不快乐 都是我的) 我们的爱是唱一半的歌 时间把习惯换了 伤口愈合 也撤销我再想你的资格 你的祝福 一半甜的 一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可 最最教人残念的总是未完成的 我只能唱著 一半的歌 (另一半的歌)

Spare Change Changes Lives

Normally we can find donation boxes located near cashier counters in supermarket or fast food restaurant. Have you ever notice what is written on the box? Any idea if there is any sticker or slogan labeled on the box? I noticed this slogan and a picture of a children on the donation box in McD this afternoon. "Spare Change Changes Lives" Not sure why, but I like it a lot. Too bad I forgot to take the photo of donation box. Anyway, I made one which looks similar (^_^).

JIN - 仁

Thanks to skyip , I've been watching quite a numbers of Taiwanese drama lately.It is kind of fun to watch the Taiwanese drama, the storyline are quite funny and touching. You will be laughing most of the time. I'm not sure why I don't feel like watching the TVB drama "Beyond The Realm Of Conscience (宮心計)" and "Born Rich (富贵门)". A lot of my friends highly recommended these two. Somehow I think the storyline should be similar to "金枝玉孽". People are just concern about themselves in order to survive, to obtain power, wealth, etc. And then it follows by a series of conspiracy, revenge, bla bla bla ... I'm thinking of watching this Jdrama instead. The name is "Jin - 仁". Synopsis : The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he faints at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back ...

I'm Back !!!!

I have been busy with the new layout of demonsbane lately ... Finally it is ready now. It took me quite some time to edit the html codes (I'm NOT com-science student!!!!). Please comment (^_^) Anyway back to business, a lot of things happen lately and seriously I was at my worst condition ever. For the first time, I let my emotion take over myself in the office. It never happen ever since I start working. Thanks for the 3 days long weekend , I've got myself to calm down and reconsider my direction in the future. Life goes on no matter what happens, after the long break, it is time to get back on track.


Sorry for being too emotional today, I lost control of myself .... 反省中........

All the best

This does not really seems like the ordinary me, but seriously I do feel sad for her leaving. "Take care my friend, all the best in your new life and career."


Here are some random pics I took in Penang recently ... 1) Penang parking style ... I can tell you that most of the parking lot were occupied at that time and cars were actually queuing up starting from the entrance of the car park. 2) Not sure if you guys try this before, engrave the name of yours and your love one on a tree or mayb cactus? As I can remember, I did it once back in secondary school, may be primary school (dun actually remember when was it). Surprisingly I still can find something similar nowadays. 3) Thanks to this, I've parked my car starting from 8am to 1.30pm without paying a single cent... (^_^)


Thank you for accompanying me for dinner. I had a great time. Thanks.


看来被 skyip 说中了,看多偶像剧会中毒哦 (:p)。最近一连看了几部偶像剧,从《痞子英雄》到《命中注定我爱你》,现在我连《败犬女王》都看了。 偶尔看下偶像剧也蛮不错哦,至少心情也会愉快些。记得在看第一集的《败犬女王》就觉得这套剧应该是超级耍白痴的吧!想不到看着看着也蛮有不错,今天刚看了第八集。内容提到了让风信子第二次开花的答案。 "Be dead and rise from the dead" 必须将已枯萎的花枝剪去,风信子才获得第二次开花的机会,也比喻着做人必须学会放下过去的遗憾与执著才可以迈向未来。 “为何总是对过去念念不忘 把已死的花朵留在身边 即对过去无法割舍 又没有办法迈向未来” ------------------------------《败犬女王》台词

Stay Tough

Life is always full of challenges, if you are lucky enough you might have comrades fighting side by side with you through the toughest time. For the next coming challenge, I know it is not gonna be easy and I definitely have to face it alone. I need to stay tough and calm. Hopefully I have what it takes to overcome it.

Thank You

After all the hard works, finally we won the best film award in the quarterly event (^_^). Thanks to all the crew members for all the efforts and spending the weekend with me for the shooting . I wanted to upload the clip here, but I'm not really sure if it is against the company policy (>_


觉得自己最近非常的不对劲,无论是性格上或是生活上都有少许的改变。 平时爱玩电脑游戏的我,在最后一次format电脑后就再也没有安装任何游戏了。 平时会在公司加班到深夜的我,现在只要想到加班就会头痛,甚至可以说是讨厌加班。 每当新的漫画出版时,我总会买上一两本,现在的我反而觉得在网上看漫画已经足够了。 之前为了剪接参加quarterly event的短片还不以为然,每天放工后仍然觉得过得很充实。 Event已经结束了,奖金也拿到了,然而却有种空虚的感觉。 看着书架上未看完的小说,却完全提不起劲的要把它看完。 生活上好像少了些东西,放工后,除了上网、看报纸、看连续剧、听歌之外我到底还可以做些什么呢?

Too Late Windows 7

Everyone has been talking about Windows 7 lately, and this is what I found on youtube .. funny clip ... (^_^) .. it is not too late for me yet ... :p


最近都一直被自己的感觉牵着走,总觉得这不是很理性的做法,可是却无法制止自己的行动。 许多曾经会考虑的因素都被抛在脑后,有时候真的觉得自己很自私。




人的记忆是一样很有趣的东西 以为忘记了,却在不经意间想起 以为会刻骨铭心,却不自觉地忘记 梦,跟回忆却是息息相关 今朝的南柯一梦 我还是现在的我,遇见了当时的他 偶然的一个问题令我想起了当年的一些琐碎的事情 原来记忆是不曾消失的

UTMKL Gathering in Penang

It has been so long since the last time where the UTMKL folks meet up. Finally it happens today, the 1st UTMKL Gathering in Penang (hopefully we will have more in the future). Only 6 of us turn up, 5 of us from the same batch and 1 is our senior. We lost contact for the rest of the folks in Penang, I did remember there should be more than 6. Anyway, it was an enjoying session, looking back at life in university, all the fun and sorrow that we have been through. Things sure change a lot comparing to the university lifestyle. We are getting more mature (older as well :p), some of us got married, some started their own business. 6 engineers , each of us with different ambitions , walks a different path. It is hard to believe that once we were so close and together we share the same goal, working hard all the way through all the ups and downs in our study. Tomorrow will be the last day for Eddie in Penang. He will be moving back to Klang this coming Saturday. After 2 1/2 years working in t...


记得以前在上心理科时曾经看过这样的一个理论,人是自我保护意识蛮重的生物。没有一个人可以毫无保留的将自己最真实的一面呈现在社会上。每个人都带着一副面具,无论是普通朋友或是最要好的朋友,这副面具都从来未被摘下过。唯一不同的是面具的透明度。 或许说人总有私隐吧,每个人都有不想让人知道的一面,隐藏在面具下最真实的一面。 最近也在想着,如果有一天,我真的摘下了面具,身边的朋友会如何看我呢?我还是否可以在这社会上生存呢?毕竟现实生活中有着许许多多的情况是不容许你呈现出最真实的自我。这就是所谓的 “见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话”。当你发现一个人在不经意间曝露了比较丑陋的一面时,你就会发现到现实的可怕。讽刺的是本身的自我保护意识也会在不经意间把自己面具的透明度大大的减少。是否所谓的社交就是从虚伪开始呢? 忽然想起了之前看过的一部电影,电影提到了男女朋友的认识是从发现到彼此的优点开始。慢慢的再发现彼此的缺点,在没有包容的情况下,爱也因为发现的缺点越多而逐渐的减少。假设如果从一开始就知道彼此的缺点,然后再慢慢的认识彼此的优点,那该多好。然而在现实中,人就是尽量把自己缺点隐藏的生物,这个理论也永远没有实践的机会。


I felt sorry for her as I'm the one who introduce him to her. Although I do not know what is going on, I'm pretty sure it is something bad. Pls take care. Sorry.


早上闲来没事,就在网上胡乱的逛。偶然的看到这一则娱乐新闻。阿牛执导的电影《初戀紅豆冰》将在明年农历新年上映。演员阵容可以说是大马歌手班底,导演阿牛、曹格、梁静如、品冠、易杰齐、戴佩妮、张栋梁等。女主角更找来影后李心洁。光良因为档期的问题而辞演。 这应该是《初戀紅豆冰》的概念短片。 《初戀紅豆冰》电影预告


中秋节了,祝大家中秋节快乐。 先来一首王菲的《但愿人长久》。 比较让我感动的《月亮圆》by山脚下男孩。 歌曲出自--山脚下男孩的专辑《把月亮圆留给孩子》。 月亮圆 月亮圆 月亮照在我的家 没有春、夏、秋、冬的家 流传千年* 现在的孩子不相信 月亮有小白兔 功课与电脑 使他们不再听 古老的神话 当高楼大厦 遮挡了古老的月亮 就趁这个季节 让你的孩子知道 古老的神话 源自何方 (重复*)

《后青春期的诗》 - 九把刀 x 五月天

上个月在书店闲逛时,不经意的走向九把刀的书架。平时都是在网上阅读他的小说,从未真正地拿着他的作品,仔细地阅读。在书架上排满着《杀手》系列,《猎命师》传奇,当然少不了就把刀的爱情系列。 原本是想购买一、两本较出名的小说,忽然让我发现了这本《后青春期的诗》。之前在部落各也曾经推荐过五月天的这首 《后青春期的诗》 ,想不到竟然还有小说而且作者还是九把刀。 故事情节并不是很精彩所以就省略咯。 先说书本的设计,就如下图所显示。书的封面插图并不是很雅观,甚至可以说是“样衰” :p. 书签 (^_^), Plastic Cover .. 还蛮喜欢背后的设计以及插图。 最后,赠品五月天闪卡。还蛮不错哦!

B'z - イチブトゼンブ - Buzzer Beat

Currently watching this jdrama "Buzzer Beat". Here is the OP by B'z - イチブトゼンブ.

Malaysian Anti-Smoking Commercial

I came across this commercial last week back in Subang while having a "yam cha " session with my friends. This was a great vid and yet I still find ppl around me laughing at this commercial while it was broadcast. Some of them were even holding a cigarette in their hand. Not sure how effective this commercial to the public, at least not effective enough for the youngsters. For me, this is definitely the best anti-smoking commercial I have ever seen. I'll definitely quit smoking if I'm a smoker.

顺其自然 x 错失机会


I miss Milo and Nescafe

No more Nescafe .. sob sob ... where is my Milo ... ??

My long weekend

2 weeks ago, I got a long weekend with the National Day falls on Sunday. It was suppose to be a great chance to go back to Subang, spend some time with family and hang out with friends. Due to some circumstances, the trip was canceled and I had to spend the whole weekend alone in Penang. I thought it was going to be work, sleep and back to work routine again throughout the weekend. Surprisingly, SC and PS who were interns in Altera sms me. They were spending their weekend on the island. Thanks to them I got someone to accompany me for the night. We went to Coffee Island at Gurney Drive. I've heard of this place for so many times and yet to have a chance to pay a visit. I've read through some of the food blogs over the internet. There are a lot of complaints about their foods and services. Anyway I decided to give it a try. Since the place is always so happening , there must be something about it. Alright, some comments from a ciplak blogger here :p . The Ice Blended Vietnam Co...

W810i Memories

Just did some housekeeping on my portable HDD. Surprisingly I still keep the pictures taken with my W810i. I thought all of them were gone after I lost my phone[>_ Some "lan yao yeng" pose from me and my friends in Langkawi 2 years ago. My "Jack Skelington" on Ferrari at my cubical.

I cried

I cried ... More about Team Hoyt

Kiss - Because I'm A Girl

Anyone remember this MV? I came across with this link again while checking my email this morning. One of my friend forwarded this link to me. A pretty old song and yet touching...

Wedding Dance

Jill Peterson ad Kevin Heinz chose to dance along the aisle in their wedding ceremony. This is definitely one of the best wedding ceremony I have ever seen. Since the embeded feature was disabled, I'll just post the link here : Check the counter , it got > 11 million views within a week o_O So, anyone planning to get married this year. This can be a great idea to surprise all your guests .. (^_^) For Jill and Kevin, I wish them the best in life.

OMG !! I bought it !!!

I bought these!!! Not sure if I'm gonna paint them or just simply assemble them.

梁詠琪 《错过》

上个星期在988听到这首歌,当时觉得歌手的声音非常熟悉。后来才知道是梁咏琪的歌曲。《错过》这首歌收入在梁咏琪的最新专辑《礼物》。回想一下的却非常久没听到他的歌声了。出道时带着青春靓丽的形象,甜美的笑容曾经迷到不少的男生。中学时代的我也是其中一名粉丝,同级的男生都非常喜欢他。还记得有一次在Sunway Lagoon 的宣传活动中,几个男生就站在雨中等待偶像的到来。想不到记者们一拥而上,我们只落得在远处看见偶像的半边脸而已。最搞笑的是,其中两个朋友竟然被登上报纸,还以“歌迷雨中苦等偶像”作为标题。(笑) 后期感情上的许许多多负面新闻而令他的演艺事业跌至谷底。 在面对许多挫折的情况下,梁咏琪仍然持续着在演艺圈的奋斗。当然也尝试了改变不同的形象,然而已经无法恢复当年的人气。这些年来已经很少听见他的消息,对于他近期的作品,也没有太深刻的印象。偶尔听到这首《错过》,觉得蛮不错。(其实比较喜欢粤语版本 - 《心魔》,可惜在网上找不到相关的视频。) 另一首想分享的是《礼物》,收入在同名专辑《礼物》。这首歌的词曲都是由梁咏琪自己亲手包办。 梁咏琪 - 《礼物》 曲目: 01 Intro-礼物 02 礼物 03 错过 04 我是你的梁咏琪 05 一个地方 06 Interlude-一个地方 07 abcdeGG 08 爱得起(国) 09 长岛冰茶 10 好走 11 喜剧收场 12 Outro-喜剧收场 13 爱得起(粤) 14 心魔(粤)

Car Park

Since the camera has become the basic feature of a handset, most of us will just take a snapshot on the marking number at the parking lot instead of memorizing it. Something like this : I remember that I did mention this to one of my friend. I can't remember who is she (getting old already , sigh). Anyway here is her respond : "Why take photo ler? If the cars that parked beside you leave earlier than you then ma cannot find your car lor ..." o_O


This is part of the lyric of Gary's new song - Supermarket . Since it is a new release, TTplayer is not able to locate any lrc for download. This is what I got from internet. The composer really went through a hard time to get this done ( I think he/she wrote down the lyric while listening to the song, I did the same thing before.. really tedious job) ... however it is just hilarious.. lol I'm definitely not good in translating these into English .. paiseh ar ... pls correct me if I'm wrong :) #1 :balabalabalabala ~~~ Ori :幽默风趣无限量供应 任劳任怨都是特价品 (Unlimited supply of humorous and patience are special goods) -this is from google :p so what language is this "balabalabala~~~" ? #2 :与你真爱包括什么鸟东西 (my true love for you includes "what the hell is this?") o_O Ori : 预定真爱保护无限期 (the booking for true love and protection never expire) Surprisingly.. you can replace this line with the original .... and it matches the song perfectly .. lol #3 :幸福快乐好比在兄弟?wtf!!!!...

曹格 - Supermarket

Another "super" production from Gary. This MV is so sweet.. The girl in the MV is so cute but I think Gary is even cuter .. oops did I just say a guy is cute ? o.O Lyric: 曹格 - Supermarket 超级市场 词:姚若龙 曲:曹格 对对对 你说的全都对 我的动作常常容易让人误会 快用亲亲在我脸上签个名 让全宇宙都知道我是你的谁 越来越爱 早上都赖床的星期天 oh 爱 下午沙发上的电影院 爱缓缓牵着手的逛街聊天 爱夜晚咬耳朵的幸福缠绵 想当你隔壁家的supermarket 二十四小时都欢迎光临 幽默风趣无限量供应 任劳任怨都是特价品 想当你一个人的supermarket 你担心的人都不准靠近 幸福快乐买一再送一 预定真爱保护无限期 谁对对对你是真的很美 我的脑袋天马行空 幻想你一堆 快用撒娇给我超级大任务 看我货真价实还是天花乱坠 越来越爱 早上都赖床的星期天 oh 爱 下午沙发上的电影院 爱缓缓牵着手的逛街聊天 爱夜晚咬耳朵的幸福缠绵 想当你隔壁家的supermarket 二十四小时都欢迎光临 幽默风趣无限量供应 任劳任怨都是特价品 想当你一个人的supermarket 你担心的人都不准靠近 幸福快乐买一再送一 预定真爱保护无限期 我内心的那个小孩 会快快成长让你放心的依赖 很帅 很天才 给你美好的未来 想当你隔壁家的supermarket 二十四小时都欢迎光临 幽默风趣无限量供应 任劳任怨都是特价品 想当你一个人的supermarket 你担心的人都不准靠近 幸福快乐买一再送一 预定真爱保护无限期


Lately, Transformers has become an hot topic. According to lyn , the GSC website hang because of the heavy traffic booking for Transformers 2. I believe that most of the folks around my age are the big fans of Transformer during childhood. For me, it is just so so only lo ... I did watched Transformers cartoon during childhood, but I hardly can remember the name of each of the character. All I know is they can transform and make weird sound during transformation... :p Come to think of it, I don't really watch most of the anime under the mecha category. Here are those in my watch list .. Transformers - definitely one of the earliest exposure to the robotic world for me ... hehehe.. but I dun even recall the storyline ... Vandread season 1 & 2- the 1st anime that I watched featuring robots battle.. I like the 3D- animation of the robots... Neon Genesis - Evagelion - nice anime, I like EVA-01 (the purple color robot in the middle). However it is later in the story then only I...

PSP - Go - > No Go

Sony finally announced the next generation of PSP - PSP-Go. The PSP-Go is 40% lighter and 50% smaller compare to the existing PSP3000. The LCD is slightly smaller and maintaining the same resolution as the PSP3000. It has a cool design whereby the keypad, analog stick are all hidden. You can access the control buttons and the analog stick through the sliding mechanism. Images courtesy of Gamespot PSP-GO no longer supports UMD. All the games are downloaded from the internet. It comes with a larger storage of 16GB M2 memory stick. It has a built-in Bluetooth and enhanced wifi for better file transfer. You can purchase the game from the PSN store. Well, everything seems so cool for the PSP-Go. However is it really a "Go" for the gamers ?? The PSP users nowadays purchase UMD games (which cost around RM100++), the good thing about UMD is that you can replay the game whenever you want. If you have finished playing a game , you can just sell it for second hand. Downloading the gam...

王明丽 feat. 阿飞 - 谁说爱情不能做比较

昨天在988听到的歌曲。记得n年前有一首《爱情不能做比较》,当年可是整班死党的唱k必选歌曲之一。《爱情不能做比较》是由本地组合Baby所演唱。听说现在已经解散了,而这一首《谁说爱情不能做比较》收入在王明丽的首张EP - 《Love Amy》。为王明丽献声的阿飞也就是当年Baby的主唱。 请支持正版,支持本地创作。 曲:魏文浩 Josephine Ang (原曲:吕孙杰) 词:李欣怡 (原词:彭学斌) 丽: 空气中还飘着雨 在我挣扎的夜里 我们 真的只能一起到这里 越走越远的距离 不是三言两语就可以 解释我的无力 要分开的决定 我都努力 努力不伤害你 只是他的用心 你都看在眼里 却不说一句 Chorus* 飞:他很好 他多好 (丽:我没有刻意计较) 飞:这些我并不需要知道 (丽:只是他懂得我心跳) 丽:离开你我勇气要多少 (飞:我难过有多少) 丽:你不会知道 (飞:你不想知道) 飞:他很好 和我不同的好 (丽:原谅我自私地拥抱) 飞:你最后会明了 会知道 爱情不能做比较 (丽:我要的美好 爱情可以做比较) 飞: 属于回忆的歌曲 没什么可以代替 其实 这旋律真的可以延续 丽:越走越远的距离 不是三言两语就可以 解释我的无力 要分开的决定 丽:我都努力 努力不伤害你 丽:只是他的用心 你都看在眼里 却不说一句 (飞:他的用心 我都看在眼里 我不说一句) Chorus* 飞:你拥有了全新的依靠 丽:你会过得更好 飞+丽:我们承诺过彼此要继续幸福微笑 飞:别再说 他很好 他多好 (丽:我没有刻意计较) 飞:这些我并不需要知道 (丽:只是他懂得我心跳) 丽:离开你我勇气要多少 (飞:我难过有多少) 丽:你不会知道 (飞:你不想知道) 飞:他很好 和我不同的好 (丽:原谅我自私地拥抱) 飞:你最后会明了 会知道 爱情不能做比较 (丽:我要的美好 爱情可以做比较) 飞:希望你知道 丽:爱情可以做比较

陈奕讯 - 于心有愧

填詞:林夕 作曲:鍾達茵 編曲:唐奕聰 監製:陳奕迅/鍾達茵/Davy Chan/C.Y.Kong 如果我聽歌可眼紅 何以待你好偏不懂 自細做過多少美夢 慈悲的偉論 連乞丐喊窮心也痛 竟怕放懷擁抱你 讓你露歡容 追悔無用 轉眼發現 你失蹤 曾聽說過 你某夜結婚 未曾露笑容 實在不敢知道我是元兇 大概當初我未懂得顧忌 年少率性害慘你 令人受傷滋味 難保更可悲 這心地 再善良終生怎去 向你說對不起 良心有愧 原來隨便錯手 可毀了人一世 立志助世人脫貧以為 便偉大到像多麼有為 這種剌蝟 連誰曾待我好 都可帶來傷勢 被我害過來接受我跪 是我在製造眼淚居然想救世 就算積儲獻盡飢荒赤地 而太多債沒處理 累人累己滋味 餘生也記起 數一數 我實情不只得你要說句對不起 良心有愧 原來隨便錯手 可毀了人一世 立志助世人脫貧以為 便偉大到像多麼有為 這種剌蝟 連誰曾待我好 都可帶來傷勢 被我害過來接受我跪 是我在製造眼淚居然想救世 于心有愧 原來隨便錯手 可毀了人一世 立志助世人脫貧以為 便偉大到像多麼有為 這種剌蝟 連誰曾待我好 都可帶來傷勢 內疚內疚內疚沒作為 直到在某年某日我能安息於葬禮 仍想你一家可到齊 END 不是很明白MV里头出现的一句话: “你原谅自己.....但我永远不会原谅你”

Sigh ..

I'm not sure for those who are still single as me ever been through this kind of situation ... You are meeting uncle / aunties and they start asking you these type of question: "got gf oledi ar?" "when wanna find 1 jek?" "u know hor .. someone else daughter/son got married liao lo.. " "its time to find 1 lo.. " "next time bring along ur gf har.. " lol ... these are the questions that I normally got most of the time when I go back to Kampar ... my mom normally will juz say "随缘" .. (^_^) .. thx mom .. coz I realy dunno how to answer them ... "btw .. really so important to get a gf meh?? " :p

Huh ?? Wrong ar???

Really ar ?? Then what is this o??

Wah!!! So early !!!

lol ... this screen shot was taken at 7.16am. Seems like I got a lot of visitors at my farm :p . Friend A visited my farm at 7.08am Friend B visited my farm at 6.58am Friend C visited my farm at 6.54am Friend D visited my farm at 6.26am Friend E visited my farm at 6.21am Friend F visited my farm at 6.20am Friend G visited my farm at 6.16am Friend H visited my farm at 6.16am and the winner is Friend I at 4.16am!!! o_O


最近有点迷上了听一些Final Fantasy 的音乐。Final Fantasy 的音乐制作人是 植松 伸夫(Nobuo Uematsu) ,制作了不少游戏音乐。最近正在听的专辑是Final Fantasy Piano Collection 和Tour de Japon。Final Fantasy Piano Collection 顾名思义就是以钢琴为主的音乐,而Tour de Japon 则是ochestra演奏。 当我housemate回到家时,听见从我房间传出钢琴声就为我挂上了“文艺青年”的称呼。 一把年纪了还称什么青年,我和“文艺”这两个字根本就扯不上关系,甚至连写好一篇文章的水准都没有。说到文艺应该是他本人吧,文章写得头头是道,用的词深到~~~~~ :p 这是其中一首Tour de Japon 里我最喜欢的曲子:

Thank you (^_^)

Should have posted this earlier, but I was too lazy to edit the pic.. Thanks everybody.. (^_^)

IQ Test (again)

A is a pickpocket. One day, he pick pocketed 3 passengers on a bus. The 1st victim was young lady who wears a mini skirt, the second victim was a man wearing suit and the last one is middle age lady (or 师奶). After getting down from the bus, he take a look at his plunder. The young lady had ~RM50 in her purse. The guy had ~ RM20 and the 师奶 had RM70. Then he noticed that his wallet was missing. He found a small piece of note in his pocket. "Make sure u know ur enemy well before u take any action.. :p .. " Question : Who pick pocketed A and why? Hint : Logical thinking ... Update : Hint #1 - The answer is the young lady ... Hint #2 - (For Engineering students :p) Wallet/Purse = high frequency signal , the lady = low pass filter Question: Why ??


This is what happen when ur car air-cond is down during rainy day... blur blur blur .. @_@

《夏之雪 》Summer Snow

不经意的在抽屉找到一张蛮旧的CDR。我对它全无印象,里面刻录了什么data?是什么时候购买的呢?还是根本就不属于我的? 打开CD后,我发现了这首歌。一首令人感动的歌曲,一套我最爱的日剧 - 夏之雪。 Summer Snow - Sissel It's summer snow in the deep blue sea I try to touch, but it fades away It must be a dream I will never get Just like my love that's crying for you If there were something not to change forever We could feel it deep in our heart Today is over with a million tears Still everyone has a wish to live Oh, I do believe everlasting love And destiny to meet you again I feel a pain I can hardly stand All I can do is loving you It's summer snow in the deep blue sea I try to touch, but it fades away It must be a dream I will never get Just like my love that's crying for you Just like my love that's crying for you

Take Care

Tracy , Take good care and all the best.. 加油!がんばって!

Men in Black

This is just a coincidence ... luckily we were not in Ipoh ... lol Update : Added emotionalistic .. since she is wearing black .. :p


Lol ... totally speechless ... (⌐_⌐)b Check this out : Here

CamSpace - playing games with your webcam

Do you like Wii ? How about getting a Wii on your PC for free? All you need is a webcam. (^_^) Official site

New Product 3 in 1

3 in 1 !!! Pepper Spray + Key Chain + Thumb drive!!! Not available in market!!! However if someone throw it to u (if u r lucky enuff :p)... make sure u point it to whoever so generous to offer you the #$@(wateva u call it) and then "enquire" if he/she is the owner .. :p

大嘴巴 - 永远在身边

第一次听到这首歌时就觉得非常熟悉,经过一番搜索后才知道这首歌有另外两个日文版本,男生版和女生版。无论是男生或女生版本都是由青山テルマ(青山黛瑪)和Soulja演唱。我还是比较喜欢『 そばにいるね 』 青山テルマ - feat.SoulJa。 大嘴巴 - 永远在身边 『 ここにいるよ 』 - SoulJa - feat. 青山テルマ 『 そばにいるね 』 青山テルマ - feat.SoulJa

Extraordinary Bus Driver

Last weekend, I went to Cameron Highland. In order to avoid the heavy traffic at Cameron Highland ( due to long weekend), we left Kampar at around 7am. Everything went smoothly and we reached Cameron Highland around 9am. The 1st destination was the BOH tea plantation. In order to reach here, you have to go through a very narrow and winding road. This is what a normal driver will do when driving along this road. Drive slowly (of course, dun ever speed even you are skillful becoz others are not :p), sound your horn at every corner to make sure that the cars coming from the opposite direction aware of your presence, make way for the cars coming from the opposite direction or vice versa depends on the situation. Those are the things that ordinary drivers do, so how does an "extraordinary" driver behave??? 1) Sound your horn at every single corner ... make sure it is aggressive enuff to have all the cars make way for you (⌐_⌐)b 2) Yelling at the driver : "U pegi belakang .!!...

Assasin's Creed 2 coming soon Christmas 2009!!!

When I purchased my new PC last year, the 1st game on my list was Assassin's Creed. I loved this game after I've watched the trailers and gameplay over the internet. When it was launched, I notice that it was only available on the xbox 360 and PS3. w/o a nice LCD TV, there is no way for me to purchase such expensive game consoles (especially PS3). After that I found out there is a PC version of this game and I finally got a chance to play the game (^_^). Stunning gameplay with great storyline made Assassins Creed the best action RPG of the year 2007. With the HD visualization, it makes the game more realistic (that is the reason of purchasing my HD4870 graphic card :p). The only drawback, the missions are repetitive. Assassin's Creed 2 is coming this Christmas on 3 platforms , PC, PS3 and xbox 360. Rumors are saying that it will be on the PSP as well (^_^). According to the Assassin's Creed 2 producer, the coming series will take place in Italy during Renaissance. Seem...